A VERY happy birthday boy!
LOOK at this!!! Usually he hides from the mouse, and he is HUGGING him! Wow! I actually have hope we may get Santa pics this year!
If you ask Cole what is favorite part was, he will say the cake. That's my boy...

Kate, Cole and Anthony with Chuck after grabbing a bunch of free tickets...

Cole wouldn't go in the ticket booth by himself, but they let big sister go in with him. They had a great time and got over 400 tickets! Wow!
I guess it wasn't a horrible time, but hopefully it is out of his system for a while... Tomorrow is Cole's actual Birthday, so we will have cake and open presents then. He keeps asking when he is getting his BIG Buzz Lightyear... Hmmm, I wonder if he will get it...
Kate, Cole and Anthony with Chuck after grabbing a bunch of free tickets...
Cole wouldn't go in the ticket booth by himself, but they let big sister go in with him. They had a great time and got over 400 tickets! Wow!
I can't believe my baby boy is 3! The years are sure flying by!
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