Saturday, March 21, 2009

Kate's Birthday Party

Well we had Kate's party at Wazoo's today. I think everyone had a good time. Here are a few pictures from the festivities...
The cupcakes. A Moms group friend made them. Didn't they turn out great?!

Right after she blew out her "4" candle. She was much happier than the picture shows...
The kids eating their cupcakes.

All the kids watching Kate open her presents. I have never seen so much "princess" in my life! Wow! Kate said/yelled "Oh my goodness!" after almost every gift. She was really excited!

Here are the cookie favors. They turned out great. Kate was dissapointed we didn't have goodie bags. I told her these were the goodie bags. She said "I want to give my friends goodie bags too" Oh well, I am sure the parents will appreciate not having to throw away the unwanted toys in a week.

I was in the party room most of the time, so I didn't get pictures of her playing. I will have to ask around to the other moms to see if they have any...

Here are a few other random pictures...
Wish you were there...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"Cinnamon Roll Toast"

The kids had cinnamon roll toast (I always knew it as cinnamon toast, but Kate started calling it cinnamon roll toast, and it has stuck) for breakfast the other day. Cole REALLY enjoys it, so I thought I would capture his excitement...

See you soon. Be safe! Love you!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Hope you have a very Happy St. Patty's Day! We are having a great day!

We went and made these GREAT hats...

We love you and miss you! May the luck o' the Irish be with you.

Monday, March 16, 2009

More outside pictures...

Here are a few more pictures from last week. The weather has once again warmed up, so we can start going outside again. Thank Goodness! Although this will be a busy week getting ready for Kate's birthday party and Grandpa Randy's arrival--followed by Grandma Mary's visit, my Florida trip then....DADDY is home on R&R. Yay!!!! At least we will keep busy!

We LOVE you and MISS you and can't wait until you are home!! Be safe!

Friday, March 13, 2009

the crazy weather

Well we had 3 days of 80 Degree plus weather, followed by the last 3 days of 40 degree and rainy weather. This has left me longing for those warm days and playing outside. So I decided to post some pictures from the warm days. (as we sit inside with our sweaters on listening to the rain fall)

It should be warm again by the time you get home. But you never know... I don't suppose you would mind staying home cuddled on the couch with the family for a couple days though...
Miss you!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Two cute kids!

The kids just looked so cute in their church clothes the other day I just had to get the camera out. I have turned them both into HUGE hams! "Cheese!"
Have a GREAT day! We love you and miss you!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Climbing Boy

He can do it all by himself!!! Can you believe this!

And he will do it over and over and over and over...

At the bottom he puts his hands up in the air and spins around and yells and does a happy dance! and then climbs up again...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Big Boy Seat

Well, Cole is out of the highchair now!
He is such a BIG BOY, and oh so proud!

I think Kate likes having him up there with her too.

We can't wait to see you! We can't wait to have you at the dinner table with us!