This big guy was by the parking lot.
Getting ready to head in...
The hippo was snoozing in the water...
Kate was MOST excited to see the elephant. Here she is showing off the elephant on her dress. This elephant was actually (very) pregnant. We even saw the baby moving in her belly! This was quite amazing. What is more amazing, was finding out that elephants are pregnant for 22 months! This baby is due in December.
The sea lion show was cute. Kate was a bit bummed she wasn't chosen to assist.
We took a short break for a little lunch.
Cole on the train. A bit smaller than the train 2 days earlier...
A carousel ride. The animals depicted on the carousel are all endangered animals.
The penguins are always pretty funny.
Cole wanted to show off the alligator, since he had one on his shirt (like Kate did with the elephant.)
One final photo on the way out (the only family pic of the trip...)
Next, on the the ARCH!
Daddy would not go up, but Kate really wanted to so I went with her while he and Cole checked out the Marine Day's exibits on th ground... This is the little "pod" of an elevator we took to the top.
Kate and I on our way up!
At the top...
It's quite a ways down there... Oliver doesn't even like to look at this photo!
We saw this after leaving the arch, and had to get a pic of Cole Street on Cole Street...
One final Arch pic on our way back to the train station...
Kate and Cole ready to head out...
We had a great time, and will have to plan another trip to check out the City Museum, the Clydesdale's at the Anheuser/Busch tour, see the rest of the Magic House, and see that baby elephant when he comes!

Now we are just waiting for Oliver to come home from Virginia...
great pics - love the arch ones and the cole street!!! Hope your time with Oliver away goes by fast for you and the kids! Hugs!