We are not taking a big vacation this summer because we will be going to Florida this winter for my sister Ali's wedding, and Oliver is gone to Virginia for about 6 weeks for a class. We decided to take a short trip to check out a bit of the midwest. This time we took a train and went to St. Louis for a couple days. We had a great time, and there is so much to do in St. Louis that we were wishing we would have had at least one more day.
The train was the first part of our adventure, the kiddos were super excited to not be buckled in and to go on a "real" train.

Cole was so excited to have all his cars in his lap. He can't do this in his car seat.

The kiddos were very excited about the pool at the hotel. They had just completed a round of swimming lessons and were feeling quite accomplished.

We, of course, had to have some Barbecue while in St. Louis. Kate really enjoyed her ribs.

On the first full day we went to the most amazing Children's museum. It is called the Magic House and it was highly recommended by many people. We can see why. I, in turn, highly recommend it to anyone traveling to the St. Louis area with children. We spent the whole day there, and I still don't think we saw the entire museum. So much fun!
Cole making music...

The Alice in Wonderland exhibit.

Kate and Cole climbing Jack's Beanstalk

Kate made it to the top!

These "floating" balls were pretty cool.

Cole's hair didn't make quite the affect that Kate's did.


Kate inside a bubble

Cole LOVED "working" on the car!

I had too many photos to put them in one post. The next post will highlight the rest of the trip, which included the St. Louis Zoo and the Arch!
what a fun trip - I love all your pictures, and commentary!!!