"Good morning Daddy! Thank you for serving our country!" This is how our day started. These words came from Kate, A wonderful way to start the day I think!
Today is Veteran's Day. In a town Like Leavenworth this is a VERY big deal. Leavenworth is the oldest town in Kansas, and the Veteran's Day Parade is the biggest and oldest in Kansas. This year Kate joined the girl scouts, and she is a Daisy. (If anyone wants cookies let me know;-))Along with this comes the privilege of walking in the parade. Kate was so excited about this. Actually, she had been looking forward to this since before Halloween.
In preparation for the parade Kate's Daisy troop has been learning patriotic songs, practicing their formation, and they have been talking about what it means to be a Veteran. All of the girls made a sign with photos of their family members who have served in the armed forces, to carry in the parade. Kate was VERY proud to have so many Veteran's in her family. (I thank all of you who sent photos!! We couldn't have done it without you!)
Kate showing off all of HER Veteran's before leaving to the parade.

Cole and Daddy waiting for the parade to start. Burrrr it's COLD!

Daddy went to the little store to get us some gloves and hats. Now Cole is enjoying the parade!

He LOVED the emergency vehicles and told us what all of them were called.

This was interesting....

Here is Kate's troop!!

Another view of Kate and her Daisy's

One last pose before heading home...

My PROUD Daisy!
I have never seen so many JROTC cadets, Patriot Guard Motorcycles, VFW representatives and boy and girl scouts in my life, but it was a wonderful parade. A very heart warming tribute to our past and present folks in uniform.
I want to wish a very Happy Veteran's Day to all Veteran's, especially my FAVORITE Veteran, who I am so very proud to call my husband and the father of my children!
Oliver, in the words of your beautiful daughter, "thank you for serving our country!"