We have found so many fun things to do around town, and that is especially true this Holiday season. One REALLY neat thing we found was Santa's Mall. This was at the old historic carousel down town Leavenworth. It is all set up by the staff and LOTS of volunteers for children to shop for their loved ones. They have their list, are assigned an "elf" to help them out, and they wrap their gifts so they are ready to go under the tree. There are also many other activities going on, craftes, snacks. and best of all (according to Cole) the children get a free carousel ride after they finish their shopping. This was a great morning for all of us!
Kate and Cole holding their list waiting to start shopping.

Finished shopping! Here are all their purchases ready to go under the tree.
Kate shopped for Daddy, Mommy and Cole, and Cole shopped for Daddy, Mommy and Kate!
Now it is time for the carousel ride!
Cole prefers the seats...Not sure why.
Kate chose a white horse.

Now it is craft time...
Kate made a beautiful wreath.

Cole in his cool hat.

Now it is time for some yummy hot chocolate and cupcakes!
It will be a miracle if they don't "spill the beans." Ha! Sounds like such fun for all of you. Thanks for sharing. I love reading descriptions like this from a Mom who is enjoying her children.