Happy Easter everyone! I hope everyone had a great day! We had a very busy week leading up to Easter Day, and we had a fabulous Easter! Kate and Cole were very excited about Easter Day this year. Here are a few photos from our day...
Kate left some carrots, spinach, a cookie and water for E.B, (Easter Bunny) She wrote him a letter and drew him a picture. Cole drew a picture also.

Kate wanted curls for Easter, so curlers it is...
This is Kate after setting everything out for the E.B.

and the next morning this is what it looked like...

And there were LOTS of eggs around. Including a trail down the stairs...

Gathering the eggs on the stairs...

Looking for more eggs...

Kate's eggs...

Easter basket time...

After a yummy breakfast we put on our Easter finery and headed to church...
Love the beautiful tulips in your front yard! Of course the kids are cute too :)