Kate had an eventful "Birthday Week." Tuesday her Grandpa Randy came for a visit (he hasn't missed one of her birthday's yet!) Wednesday was her actual birthday, Kate woke up in the morning, came into my room and said "I can't believe I am 5, I feel smarter already!"
She was so excited to go to school to be sung to, share cookies with her class, and get a crown and sticker to wear all day. Unfortunately when we got there I noticed she wasn't acting right--turns out she wasn't feeling well so we got back in the car and headed home. I called the doctor and got her an appointment that day. It was strep! For the 3rd time this winter! Fun! Well, she started her antibiotics, rested the rest of the day and insisted she still wanted to go out for her birthday dinner. We went out to the Texas Roadhouse so she could "ride the saddle" like she had done last year.
Kate not feeling well. I let her open a present when we got home from NOT going to school so she could go lay in bed and rest and play with it...
Dinner with Grandpa Randy, Barbara, the Perry Family and us
Kate on the saddle. She had waited a year to do this again...
(you can tell she is not feeling 100%--poor sweet girl)
We went home and finished opening presents.
She LOVED her new jewelry box with dancing ballerinas from Grandmom.
and was VERY proud of her pearl necklace from India.
A new American Girl Doll. She Named her Chelsea.
Our American...boy!
And her sky cake.
Check out the rainbow on the inside! (This took me a while, so I had to include a picture! :)
On Saturday before her party Daddy and I gave her a "special" gift because she was turning 5. A pretty charm bracelet with 2 charms to start her out. A tiara and an I love you.
Here she is in the foam pit.
She had a great time with all of her friends.
Here she is on her way out. You can tell by her hair that she had a good time...
Grandpa Randy was here until Friday then Daddy came into town that night. He was only in town until Sunday afternoon, but it was really nice for Oliver to be at Kate's party since he missed her birthday last year. And...only TWO more weeks until the class is over and he gets to come home! YAY!!
Kate is so proud to be 5. My little girl is really growing up!