Well, I really slacked off at the end of the summer, and I have some great posts coming up now that school has started, so I decided to do a kind of wrap up of the summer...
Cole did a week long soccer camp and really liked it. I think it was the hottest week of the year, but thank goodness the littles were first thing in the morning and only for an hour. Doesn't he look like a pro in this pic? Well, he's got the soccer pose down at least...
Kate continued her cheer. This pic is from her final summer performance. She absolutely LOVES doing her cheer and for some reason she really thrives when performing in front of an audience. She sure did not get this from me! I should do a whole blog on this one, because the video is pretty funny...
Kate and I had a few Mommy and Kate dates over the summer. Kate actually told me this was her favorite part of the summer, which obviously thrilled me. We went to the movies, got our nails done, went shopping, had lunch or visited museums. I think they were my favorite part of the summer too.
Grandma Mary and Grandpa Mike came for a visit. It was a GREAT time and Kate and Cole were really sad to see them leave. Here is the kiddos holding their signs waiting to pick them up at the airport.
Fun times and silly Cole.
I love this special photo...
Sweet smiles...
The VERY best part of the end of the summer was Daddy coming home from his 6 week long trip. We all REALLY missed him and are so happy to have him home!
Kate went to a back to school tea party at a neighbors home. What a great idea!
We had meet the teacher day and Grandma Mary got a VIP tour of Kate's school. Here they are outside of the planetarium by the koi pond.
Cole started school a couple weeks after Kate so we found what we could to keep busy... I thought this was a cool pic of Cole at open gym--getting some energy out on the trampoline.
And Cole had his meet the teacher day. This is Cole with his wonderful teacher Mrs. Staples. She is the same teacher he had last year, and her LOVES her!
Now that you all are caught up on the summer I can move forward. There are lots of great pics from the first days of school and other events that I would really like to share with you all.

Here are a couple of our days... Lunch (followed by shopping), the Nelson-Atkins Museum and the last one is us getting ready to head out flower girl dress shopping to the American Girl Doll Store and lunch.
Grandma Mary and Grandpa Mike came for a visit. It was a GREAT time and Kate and Cole were really sad to see them leave. Here is the kiddos holding their signs waiting to pick them up at the airport.
I would love to hear from everyone and know that people are actually looking at this . :0) Enjoy!