Well, last week was Kate's 6
th Birthday! Can you believe it? I know I can't! This is the first year, I think, that Kate really "got it." She has always been excited about her birthday, but this year she was actually counting down and getting REALLY excited about turning another year older. A couple days before her birthday Kate said to me "I am so glad I am turning six, because I am getting tired of being 5" All I have to say about that is as much as I love seeing Kate grow and learn and mature, I just wish it wasn't all going by so quickly. The birthday celebrations started on Tuesday when Kate had her Daisy meeting. She was the assigned snack person, so we decided to make a special birthday snack for her troop. Kate chose to bring cake pops, and I decided to venture out of my baking comfort zone and make them. How hard could it be? Well, let me tell you, it is harder (and much more time consuming) than it looks. At least they turned out okay and tasted really yummy!
Pink and purple cake pops. Just what the 6 year old wanted.

The cake pops ready to be handed out to the Daisy's.
We got to the meeting and the leaders announced the meeting was canceled because of a tornado watch. Kate ran around handing out the pops to all her friends before they left, because a) she was so excited to share them, and b) I did NOT want them left in my house. The temptation of chocolate covered balls of cake and frosting is just too great to resist.

On Thursday (Kate's actual Birthday) she wanted to bring cupcakes to school for snack. She chose half vanilla and half chocolate cupcakes with brightly colored flowers on them. (No, I did not make these...)

Kate had dance class that evening, then we went out to dinner at Mama Mia's (her choice because she really likes their
bow tie pasta with cheese sauce.)
After dinner we went home for the customary 6 "spankings" and a pinch to grow an inch.
She didn't seem to mind.
The singing of Happy Birthday and a candle in a saved cupcake.

...and the opening of the family birthday gifts. This girl made out like a bandit!
She wanted a "real" camera.

On Friday there was a half day at school, so I took Kate and a few of her friends from the neighborhood to paint some pottery. They had a great time, did a fabulous job and were very well behaved. (thank you Amy for coming along!)
Madelyne, Libby, Kate, Lillian and Max

The Kindergarten pottery painters...

Then we went back to the house for some cake, ice cream, presents and play.
The kiddos singing Happy Birthday to Kate.
Kate LOVES her Rapunzel birthday cake (I
definitely didn't make this one either)

Mommy and Daddy got her tickets to see Toy Story on Ice for her birthday. Here is Kate and Cole ready to go... "
Yee-Haw" and "to infinity and beyond..."

Kate's friend Libby came along with us. They all LOVED the show! I (as usual) loved the looks on their faces! Priceless.

All in all I think Kate had a fabulous, fun-filled, "non-party" Birthday extravaganza.
Believe it or not, Kate is already talking about when she turns 7! I am SO not ready for that!