Kate has done some really fun things with her Daisy troop, but I think this was the most fun by far. The Daisy troop and all girl scouts in the Kansas City area got together at The Great Wolf Lodge for a evening of FUN! We left right after school on Friday and headed to the lodge. After we got there we headed to our room and put on our swimsuits. Kate LOVED it! We spent a few hours in the water park then headed out to the lobby for story time, the dance party, and a hula hoop contest. After all that we got together with the troop for a pizza party. Then, FINALLY it was bed time! I can't believe she lasted as late as she did. My little party animal! We got up bright and early the next morning, had breakfast with the girls then spent a little while longer in the water park. And believe it or not we were home by noon. Here are some photos of the highlights of the GREAT trip!
Kate must have gone on the water slides 50 times a piece and wanted me to stand at the bottom of the slide and take a photo EVERY time. I pretended to take the picture after about the 25th time.
She was VERY proud to be in the pool without a vest. She was very cautious though (which I was happy about)
I do believe the BIG BUCKET was her favorite part... She liked to lay down as it dumped it's 1,000 gallons of water on her.
Kate with most of her Daisy troop.
Kate and Lillian at the dance party. You can see Violet Wolf in the background. Kate really thought Violet as super cool. Kate danced her little heart out and went crazy when the Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus songs she was familiar with came on. You can only imagine the screaming that came from the older girls. WOW and OUCH!
The Hula hoop contest. Kate didn't win, but I was proud of her for giving it a whirl...
Kate chose a Violet Wolf as her memento and a Wylie Wolf for Cole's present (He and Daddy had a boys night in--pizza, games and a movie). Here is Kate all snuggled in the bed. She was SOOO ready to go to bed. It was QUITE the evening!
Getting ready to leave the next morning Kate wanted one last photo on the balcony to show the building. She kept saying "It looks like REAL Lincoln Logs" Actually that was the first thing she told Daddy and Cole when we got home too.