I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. Aside from missing Oliver immensely we had a wonderful time.
Visiting the Easter bunny. Kate LOVED him! This is as close as Cole would get to him!
Coloring the Easter eggs
Kate drew a picture for the Easter bunny and prepared him a little snack of carrots and lettuce.
Chocolate bunnies!
Surrounded by the Easter loot!
Kate and Cole in their Easter outfits. Getting ready to head to a wonderful church service!
Mommy and Kate
My little man! Looks like his Daddy!
Kate with the daffodils from our flower bed. Getting ready to "flower the cross."
Kate and Cole putting flowers on the cross.
I am so thankful for a wonderful church family and for great friends. They have made Oliver being away bearable. That being said, I REALLY can't wait for him to come home in less than 2 weeks!
Wish you had been here for all the Easter festivities. Love and miss you very much! Drive safe!