Well, I said I was back and I had all intention of being the good little blogger and sending updates at the VERY least weekly and alas I have failed. Life has once again gotten in the way of sharing our life with all of our friends and loved ones.
Let's try again.
I have so many AWESOME pictures and events from the summer I want to share, but I am going to stat with the present. It's BACK TO SCHOOL time! Woo Hoo!
Kate has started Pre-K and Cole is in a Mother's Day Out program 2 days a week (that translates to 6 hours a week for me). They are both at the same school Kate attended last year.
Kate's first day of school. She was really excited! As we were walking into meet her teacher she looked up to me an said (with a HUGE smile and bright eyes) "I am so excited! It is a red letter day!" What an amazing phrase for a 4 year old to use. I love it!

Cole started school the next day. He wasn't quite as excited as Kate to go to school, but he was really excited about the motorcycle on his new shirt!

Kate's 2
nd day and Cole's 1st day.

Outside the school. Cole is looking a bit nervous...

Such a big girl...

OK, so now that the kids are back in school I will promise to do my best at updating the blog and adding pictures. And, as I mentioned before, I have so many great moments from the summer that I want to share. Please add comments (or just email me if you don't want to log in)so I know someone out there is looking.
Love and miss you all!