Here is a sampling of the rest of the pictures from Oliver's visit home. These show pretty much how we spent our time (other than the things I already posted about--Easter, Topsey, haircuts).
We painted the dining room, living room and bathroom (Kate helped.) I guess Oliver was tired of hearing me talk about wanting to paint. I meant hire someone to do it for us, but I guess this is fine too. It was actually fun. (Except for the bathroom. I will pay for the bathroom in the future.)

Kate had her 4 year doctor appointment and Cole had his 18 month appointment. The picture shows them with Dr. Street (yes, that's his name. When you are new somewhere and don't know anyone to ask, how do you choose? This guy had a good name.)
BEFORE they got their shots.

Since Oliver has left we have been back to the doctor 2 times with an ear infection, pink eye, allergies, and strep throat. Hopefully that is over!! No more sick kids please.
We enjoyed eating out a lot. I think we both gained back a few of the pounds we had lost since the deployment began. Oh well. Back to eating right!

We played a lot. It was so nice to be together! The weather was great! It just went too fast!

(This one is of Kate and Oliver looking at a snake before it slithered and hid under the deck)

We have less than 40 days!!! WOW!! Can you believe it?